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Our Arts Department

Each year students at BSGE will take an art course with a clear focus on formal qualities of art, media techniques, artistic research and personal expression.  Each grade level is working toward the common goal of our IB Curriculum and Diploma Program.

Our IB art students have the opportunity and freedom to make artwork about ideas and issues that are important and relevant to them. Ideally students' work is guided by a central idea that is clarified and developed over the course of the program. These themes for student work should reflect students' own authentic interests and be relevant to their lives and experiences.

The IB Visual Arts Course is an essential part of BSGE's IB program. A rigorous 2- year program in which students create a body of independent studio artwork that is backed up by thorough investigative research into art, artists, art history, and everything that will influence their ideas and artwork.​


Our classes follows BSGE’s standard grading policy with 60% of the grade based in studio work (major assignments), 30% of grade based on their visual journal and process pages (minor assignments) and 10% on participation (class discussion, critique, conduct, respect and focus).

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